I was bet $10 that I couldn't eat 40 ounces of chili while traveling for work. My coworker saw a can of chili, 2.5 pounder and bet me $10 that I couldn't eat it in an hour. Then the contractor saw us as we were walking back to our car from this grocery store, tried to get us to come up to his room because he had some bourbon, ice, and water - he asked us if we like bourbon and I, right off the bat, said 'no.' That guy was, I don't know... a little too much for me, but he heard the details of the bet and added his $10 if I could finish it in 30 minutes, I was still down. So next day lunch time comes around and I am also not allowed to heat the chili up, okay, that's fine. I found a big spoon and borrowed a guy's leatherman to open it up and went to town, I finished it in 10 minutes!
I was on the rowing team as a freshman in college, the coach for the freshman boat was this tall skinny guy and he said that when he was going to school he'd load up his plate with food and just start shoveling the food in, he was burning so many calories on the rowing team that he needed to do that, but he learned that about 20 minutes in the stomach finally realizes you're full and tells the brain, so I knew that I couldn't dilly dally.
My coworker was trying to freak me out by saying "Ya know, I've always wanted to tour a Western Family food plant. I'll bet it's the kind of place you walk through and see some nasty stuff and never want to eat again!"