After training for about 7 weeks I ran the Dirty Half Marathon on June 8th, 2008. This is a 13.1 mile course on single track in Bend, Oregon. I ran it last year at 2:00:00 and this year at 1:57:00, that's about 15 seconds better per mile than previous, I think my time was actually better because Horner and I were late to our heat, we had to run to the start a couple of extra minutes there. It was another great experience: I had a great time training, spending time in Bend with Daver & Horner, and running the race!
There was beer provided by Deschutes Brewery and veggie burritos after the race, I'm not so sure the beer was a good idea because I ended up not feelin' too hot later on.
I finally downloaded the software to take the GPS data off of my Garmin watch. It can only store one run or course, but it is really cool.
I can produce any number of graphs showing heart rate, distance, elevation, speed, time, pace. The Garmin software can also output the way points to Google Earth and each way point is clickable to display the heart rate, distance, elevation, speed, time, pace. Really cool!!

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