I joined a book club whose focus is reading and discussing the classics. And, I have enjoyed it immensely because we are reading works that have been influential in literature, the stage, and film. A prime example is Don Quixote. Written in the early 1600's by Miguel Cervantes, an interesting fellow with an adventurous background and a very learned man who interspersed citations and quotes within the book relating to classic mythology and chivalric books popular at the time. The ~1,000 page book is divided into two parts with two significantly different tones, I liked both parts, but lots of people tend like the second half. There is an interesting history to the book and what's funny is another author tried to continue the first part of the book without Cervantes' permission and in the second part published after the first Cervantes poked fun at this other author. After reading the book and really thinking about how America needs more people that dedicate at least part of their lives to chivalric ideals I wrote an email to President Obama to that affect, I know it's probably bonkers, but I think it's a valid opinion because so many people are just out there for themselves and don't do anything to help society. What would the country look like if more people volunteered a few hours a week.
Below you'll find a video for the song Bonkers by Dizzee Rascal, it's fun to dance to!
Can’t Keep Up!
I thought I would have 2 blogs, but can barely keep up with one much less
two. This one was going to be personal / travel…as I started it when we
moved to...
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