Saturday, August 22, 2009

Activity Universal Associates

I went to the farmers market up in St. John's this morning and there was a band called Activity Universal Associates playing on the stage. It was the oddest band I'd ever seen. The video isn't good, I totally cut out the guitar player, but I was more interested in the sound machine the other guy is playing. He use this white card that starts to slide on this machine and makes a series of sounds, then when he slides it back it repeats. He had a couple different kind of cards with different music on them.

This is the only link I could find about them.


  1. I was there, too. That man and his music made me want to execute people. Yes, it was original. But that dude was so full of himself, and his music so wretched sounding, and I felt it was such a wrong audio choice for a farmer's market -- I had to leave. The songs had no compositional value, droned on for far too long, and cast an eerie pall over the market. So other than a point for creativity, that dude gets a big thumbs down (thumbs in my ears to block out the vile cacaphony!) from this listener.

  2. I thought it was okay, not the best, but defenitely unique. How was the guy full of himself? Because he wore sunglasses or that he was on a stage? I saw other people that enjoyed the music, even took their little kids to dance up infront of the stage.


Let JT know what you think.