Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Max Encounter Last Night

I was heading back home from a class downtown last night, waiting at the Max stop at Yamhill and 1st Streets in downtown Pdx. I'm waiting for the yellow line train and up walks this black guy talking to his friend and carrying a 24-pack of beer.

He says "You look homeless as a mutha-f---!" real loud. I thought he was talking to me, but then I realized he was talking to two homeless kids loitering around the kiosk.

Then, he's like "You want some beer, man?" He drops the nearly empty box of Budweisers on the ground and those homeless guys grab a couple cans each.

After all of the cans of beer have been distributed the black kid and his friend get on the blue line train (to Gresham). I'm just standing there for a bit and look over at one of the guys and he says "Hey, wassup." I say "Nothing." His friend says "cool it, man." Then the other guy says "hey, you wanna beer." I say "Nah." His friend says "It's okay if you have one, you're wife won't even find out about it, just drink it quick and then get some mouthwash or chew on a stick of gum." "No thanks," I said and walked across the platform to look at something.


  1. Forget the light rail pub crawl. It's BYOB on the train.

  2. I know, at the Max, the pub crawl comes to you.


Let JT know what you think.