Thursday, September 11, 2008


I've been really busy lately, but I wanted to say a little bit about September 11. 7 years ago today I was at Fort Hunter Liggett in Jolon, CA. The base went on lock down and I went back to my hotel room and slept, waking up to see the news every now and again. Because, the work was put on hold for the day I probably went to the Base's gym to burn off some energy.

9-11 really changed America, I'm not sure it was all for the best. I don't know why but whenever I'm walking around I'm on the look out for terrorists, which is odd because what would they look like. Well, the terrorist spotting is something I also add to the other things I'm looking for when I'm out.

1 comment:

  1. 9/11 has made this country worse. 3,000 people died because they were at work or traveling on airplanes. And when I went to NYC last year, Ground Zero looked like a construction site six years after. The phone company forking over my emails to the Feds and the fact that I always do a double take when a plane is flying low. Not to mention we are still in two wars because of 9/11.


Let JT know what you think.