Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Flying Spaghetti Monster

I don't know if y'all know who the Flying Spaghetti Monster is, but the monster is the deity for a parody religion. One of the things they talk about is how global warming is inversely related to the number of pirates. When the SEALs took out 3 Somali pirates I grew concerned and decided to figure out what this would mean for Somalia. I crunched a bunch of numbers to develop my Global Warming Potential(GWP) of Somalia. GWP is just a number given to different gasses relating to their potential to increase global warming by not allowing infrared radiation to escape Earth's atmosphere, also known at Radiative Forcing.

I found Somalia's CO2 production per year with data up to 1995, then added 100 metric tons per year. Their main economic production is farm animals, I assumed they had goats, who produce about 23 m3/yr of methane. Methane has a GWP of 12, CO2 has a GWP of 1. I found the area of Somalia and the percentage of the area that is wild pasture lands and cut it in half, assumed 5 goats per acre, and assumed a growth of 100 km2 of pasture land used for goat herding. The GWP of the country is contributed to more by their pastured animals than by the CO2 sources.

I don't know how many pirates are in Somalia, but a loss of 3 will probably be made up pretty quick.

This is the supporting chart that was originally sent to the Kansas Board of Education.





  1. Flying spaghetthi monster. Haha! That's a new one to me... hilarious.

    You gotta see 'Religulous'. Great flick!

  2. Speak of raising farm animals, this week I moderated a government workshop that partly dealt with extracting methane from manure and from landfills and using that to either generate electricity on site or to clean up the gas and inject it into a natural gas pipeline. Check this out: http://www.energy.ca.gov/2009_energypolicy/documents/2009-04-21_workshop/presentations/07-Dusault_Sustainable_Conservation_Biomethane_presentation.pdf

  3. I do need to see that movie!

    I looked at that slide show, it's too bad that most of the existing biogas plants have gotten shut down. I think that biogas collection is a great idea.


Let JT know what you think.