Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fixin' Things

For a while I was living in two worlds, one was the post-apocalyptic Mojave Desert from Fallout: New Vegas and the other was real life. But, they connected when my dryer died, well, stopped putting out heat. I have a really old dryer, made in like the 60's, it is commonly known as the "halo of heat" because of the heating coil around the front of the drum.

I used the book pictured below only after I'd taken it pretty much apart - the controls, wires, top of the shell and tested the resistance going through each of the thermistors. I looked in the book and it had a step by step procedure, 1st was to examine the power coming in, which I should have done first. The power coming into the dryer had either vibrated or shorted apart, luckily I had a new connector and enough existing wire to fix that and it worked fine. I did end up with a few extra screws but they're only for the sheet metal shell.

In Fallout you can get books that will improve your skillz during the game, if you want to repair something like a robot or a set of armor you may need to use one of these books to temporarily improve your skill score like Fixin' Things (pictured below).

It turns out the Reader's Digest doesn't make these Home Repair books much anymore, probably because everything is so digital. But, it did come in handy for this old dryer.

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